Hindhu Swayam Sevak Sangh - Prarthana
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शरण्यां सर्वभूतानां नमामो भूमिमातरम्॥sarva maṅgala māṅgalyāṁ devīṁ sarvārtha sādhikām |
śaraṇyāṁ sarva bhūtānāṁ namāmo bhūmi mātaram ||
The most sacred of all that is auspicious, the means to achieve all that one aspires, the safe refuge of all living beings: Mother Earth, we salute thee.
सच्चिदानन्द रूपाय विश्वमङ्गल हेतवे।
विश्वधर्मैक मूलाय नमोऽस्तु परमात्मने॥saccidānanda rūpāya viśva maṅgala hetave |
viśva dharmaika mūlāya namo'stu paramātmane ||
You are the cause for the universal good, the embodiment of truth, wisdom, and bliss, the unique origin of universal righteousness: our salutations to You, the Supreme Divinity.
विश्वधर्म विकासार्थं प्रभो सङ्घटिता वयम्।
शुभामाशिषमस्मभ्यम देहि तत् परिपूर्तये॥Viśva dharma vikāsārthaṁ prabho saṅghaṭitā vayam |
śubhām āśiṣamasmabhyama dehi tat paripūrtaye ||
For the purpose of developing universal dharma, Lord, we have come organized together. We seek Your blessings, the divine grace, bestowed on us to accomplish the aim.
अजय्यमात्मसामर्थ्यं सुशीलम लोक पूजितम्।
ज्ञानं च देहि विश्वेश ध्येयमार्ग प्रकाशकम्॥ajayyamātma sāmarthyaṁ suśīlama loka pūjitam |
jñānaṁ ca dehi viśveśa dhyeya mārga prakāśakam ||
Possession of valor, unconquerable ever; conduct, character renowned world over. Bestow the wisdom that brightens, God, paving the way to realize the goal.
समुत्कर्षोस्तु नो नित्यं निःश्रेयस समन्वित।
तत्साधकम स्फुरत्वन्तः सुवीरव्रतमुज्वलम्॥samutkarṣostu no nityaṁ niḥśreyasa samanvita |
tatsādhakama sphuratvantaḥ suvīra vratamujvalam ||
Endowed with prosperity, exaltation, perpetual, may there be affluence bestowed on us; inspired are we to practice, the radiant, worthy, valiant, vow.
विश्वधर्म प्रकाशेन विश्वशान्ति प्रवर्तके।
हिन्दुसङ्घटना कार्ये ध्येयनिष्ठा स्थिरास्तुनः॥viśva dharma prakāśena viśva śānti pravartake |
hindu saṅghaṭanā kārye dhyeya niṣṭhā sthirāstunaḥ ||
With enlightenment from the universal dharma, in propagating peace throughout the world, in the task of achieving Hindu unity worldwide, may our aim and deep faith remain resolute.
सङ्घशक्तिर्विजेत्रीयं कृत्वास्मद्धर्म रक्षणं।
परमं वैभवं प्राप्तुं समर्थास्तु तवाशिषा॥saṅgha śaktir vijetrīyaṁ kṛtvāsmaddharma rakṣaṇaṁ |
paramaṁ vaibhavaṁ prāptuṁ samarthāstu tavāśiṣā ||
With the triumphant power of the organization, by safeguarding our own dharma, the righteousness, may we be blessed to be competent to attain the glory supreme, sublime.
त्वदीये पुण्य कार्येस्मिन् विश्वकल्याण साधके।
त्याग सेवा व्रतस्यायम् कायो मे पततु प्रभो॥tvadīye puṇya kāryesmin viśva kalyāṇa sādhake |
tyāga sevā vratasyāyam kāyo me patatu prabho ||
In pursuit of the welfare of the mankind, which indeed is thy holy cause and inspired by the noble virtues of service and sacrifice, let my being, Prabhu, be offered at your feet.
विश्व धर्म की जयviśva dharma kī jaya
Victory to Universal Dharma
Hindhu Swayam Sevak Sangh - Prarthana
Reviewed by JAGARANA
11:15 AM
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