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Jihadis celeberate Anniversary of Talibanic Hand Chop in Kerala

Keralites may have forgotten Prof.P.J.Joseph of Newman College whose hand was severed by the Muslim fanatics, but not those vultures who committed that heinous crime. A group of over 60 fanatics assembled at a three star hotel at Kalady near Sree Sankaracharya Bridge on M.C Road and celebrated the anniversary of that brutal act.

The intelligence wing though had the knowledge of this assembly later gave a clean chit by terming the assembly as a normal celebration of about 20 people. The function was financed and arranged by a couple of top business men in the city. It is pertinent to mention that NIA has earlier arrested a native of Kalady for his involvement in the case and the present SI at Kalady is the same person who was admonished by NIA at that time for deliberately delaying the arrest of the culprits.

He was then transferred, but with the UDF return to power he has also returned to the same place. It very evident in the state that from the day that the Muslim League controlled UDF Government has come to power, the Muslim fanatic groups have become very active and started flexing their muscles in every issue at places like Perumbavoor and Kalady. Recently on the bus strike day, they forced the bus owners to operate the buses in this area and the red volunteer tigers did not even dare to challenge.  In fact, such events have become routine in fanatic majority areas.
Jihadis celeberate Anniversary of Talibanic Hand Chop in Kerala Reviewed by JAGARANA on 2:13 PM Rating: 5
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