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Rashtra Sevika Samiti

ImageCreating awareness among women regarding their cultural and social responsibilities is the principal theme of the work of Rashtra Sevika Samiti. The Samiti imparts training to women through regular shakhas, where women gather and participate in various leadership and personality development activities, such as yoga and other physical exercises, team-building games, community service, and discussions. The training involves the development of a woman as a whole – physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually – so that she can effectively and positively lead the society. Every woman member in Samiti is called a sevika, one who selflessly works for her society and Nation.
Women constitute the very backbone of the family. They simultaneously play multiple roles: Caring-providing nutrition, nursing, maintaining hygiene and sanitation, taking care of ecology, bringing up children, and a host of other roles. But the most important role a woman has to play is that of a preacher of culture and way of life, Dharma. A woman has the power and responsibility to develop the sanskaras (ethical values) and practices in the entire family and pass it on to the next generation. The training imparted to sevikas through shakhas is designed to equip them so that they can effectively fulfill these duties and create a positive change in their families and communities. All the above mentioned duties of a women could be summarized in a single word “Matrutva” (Enlightened Motherhood)
The Samiti holds periodical vargs (training camps) of various durations for intensive exposure of the sevikas to important issues facing our country. But the main training is imparted in an annual training camp, which prepares sevikas to conduct shakha work competently.
Various functions and programmes are organised every year so as to establish and sustain social contacts on a mass scale. State level and national level meetings are held routinely for review and planning of work.
The Samiti also carries out seva karya, service work, which includes schools for girls, free hostels for girls, hostel for children of disabled leprosy patients, samskar kendras, vocational training centres, counseling centres, libraries, free tuition classes, etc.
Women Priests:
One significant accomplishment is training women so that they can officiate as priests for various religious occasions and rites. It is now a common sight in a few cities in Maharashtra to see women officiating as priests. In fact they are in great demand because they conduct the rites meticulously and in the true spirit of a priest.For more info, visit,
Rashtra Sevika Samiti Reviewed by JAGARANA on 7:51 AM Rating: 5
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